MEK1 - To create a new vendor Conditions(Purchase)

MEK2 - To change vendor Conditions(Purchase)

MEK3 - To Display Conditions(Purchase)
Creating a New Vendor Condition
To create a vendor condition go to MEK1 and select the "Condition type" . press F4 to list all condition types.
The condition type indicates, for example, whether, during pricing, the system applies a price, a discount, a surcharge, or other pricing elements, such as freight costs and sales taxes. For each of these pricing elements, there is a condition type defined in the system.
Few of them are given below .
CU00 Gross price cust.sim
CUAC Antidumping cus.qty
CUAD Anti-dumping cust %
CUAE Antidumping cust.wt
CUAS Customs exemption %
CUDC 3rd country cust qty
CUDE 3rd country weight
CUDL 3rd country cust %
CUFR Freight qty customs
CUIN Insurance customs
CUP1 Preference qty cust
CUP2 Preference wt cust.
CUPC Cust phys creat. qty
CUPE Cust. pharm. prd %
CUPF Cust. ph. prod. wgt
CUPZ Cust. preference %
CURB Absolute disc. cust.
CUZ1 Customs max. quant.
CUZ2 Customs max. wgt
CUZC Customs alloc. qty
CUZE Customs alloc. wgt
CUZK Customs alloc. &
CUZP Customs max. %
GAU2 Actual Price of Gold
GD01 GTM Disc/Surch MM(%)
GD02 GTM Disc/Surch MM(W)
GD03 GTM Disc/Surch MM(M)
GE01 GTM AC Mat/Cre MM(%)
GE02 GTM AC GL/Cre MM (%)
GE03 GTM AC Mat/Cred (M)
GE04 GTM AC HB/Cred (M)
GE05 GTM AC Mat/Cred Fix
GE06 GTM AC HB/Cred Fix
Example :
Creating Vendor discount condition
Select RL01 Vendor Discount% from condition type and press "Enter".
Then you will be asked to select the Key Combination ... Just select "Vendor" from those options and press Enter .

"Create vendor discount % condition (RL01): Fast Entry" window opens..

Enter your Purchase Organization then enter the Vendor account number and the amount .. then fill the Valid from and Valid to field and click Save button. A new condition is now created for that vendor. From now onwards this vendor discount condition will be automatically assign to all Purchase orders created for this vendor.
Editing a Vendor condition
Using transaction MEK2 you can edit Vendor discount condition.
Go to MEK2, then select the condition type (for eg: CUAS - Customs exemption %) and press enter , then select the key combination from the list , press enter.
Now you will get a screen to fill these details.
Purchase organization, Vendor, Valid On.
Just enter the Purchase Organization, Vendor number and press the Execute button. Now you will get this screen

Here you can edit the vendor condition .
To delete a vendor condition , just select the condition line and press the delete button

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