The Cool search engine is out today. Cuil a new search engine developed by former employees of Google . Cuil already indexed 121,617,892,992 web pages. Cuil claims that "Cuil searches more pages on the Web than anyone else—three times as many as Google and ten times as many as Microsoft". Its faster, more categorized and you can find more detailed information about a link on the search result page.

More Categorized

For example , if you search "computer" on Cuil.
On the search result page you can see All Results, Computer Games, Computer Software, Computer Hardware, more. This means that Cuil is indexing similar to a Web Directory, more categorization than Google.
More detailed description/Content from web pages..

Search result page shows more content/description about web pages/links listed.
Explore by Category

An additional "Explore by category" option on the right side of the search result page.
2/3 Column display

By default search results are in 3 columns, you can also select 2 column display option from a link which is located on right hand bottom side of the search result page .
In Preference

Turn On / Off Safe search
You have enabled Safe Search. Cuil will filter pornography or other objectionable material from your search results. However, Cuil can’t guarantee that all objectionable material will be filtered out.
Typing Suggestion On / off
Visit Cuil.com
1 comment:
Cuil really rocks,it has got big popularity in short time.
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