August 4, 2008

How to change text case in Excel - Upper/Lower/Proper Functions.

In Microsoft Excel there is no built in facility to change text case Upper case or Lower case. Instead Excel has built in functions to convert text in a cell to Upper or Lower or Proper case.

Text Case change functions in Excel.

LOWER Function

This function converts all uppercase letters in a text string to lowercase.

Usage: =lower(text/cell)

Cell A1 contains text "THIS is my WeEBSITE", to convert this text on B1 type


and press enter.

The text will convert to "this is my website".

UPPER Function

UPPER function converts all lowercase letters in a text string to uppercase.

Usage: =upper(text/cell)

Cell A1 contains text "This is my website", to convert this text on B1 type


and press enter.

The text will convert to "This is my website"

PROPER Function

This function converts first letter of all words on a text string into Upper case/capital and a other letters to lower case.

Usage: =proper(text/cell)

Eg:Cell A1 contains text "This is my website", to convert this text on B1 type


The text will convert to "This Is My Website"

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